购买Lysol No-Touch dispenser感应式洗手液机,厂家返全款


购买Lysol No-Touch dispenser感应式洗手液机,厂家返全款

购买Lysol No-Touch dispenser感应式洗手液机,厂家返全款

Lysol厂家活动,只要在8月15日至9月15日期间购买Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap System,填写返款表格,并将表格、购物票据(将价格画圈,并旁注所购产品的序列号UPC)在10月15日前寄到指定地址,即可在6到8周内收到厂家最多17.9元的支票返款。点击下载返款表格


目前Walmart店内促销价9.97元,Canadian Tire售价14.99元,Staples售价14.4元,Home Depot售价14.98元,还有很多商家也有销售,不再逐一列举。

*Purchase any one (1) Lysol® No-TouchTM Hand Soap System and receive up to $17.90 to cover the cost of the product, plus taxes
and postage, by mail. Limit one (1) refund per individual, family, or household. To receive your refund by mail, complete the Offi cial
Refund Form below, attach the original dated cash register receipt from where you purchased any one (1) Lysol® No-TouchTM
Hand Soap System with the purchase price circled, and the Universal Product Code (UPC) handwritten on the receipt.
THIS IS NOT A STORE COUPON. Purchases must be made between August 15, 2014 to September 15, 2014. All requests for
refunds should be received on or before, October 15, 2014. Offer valid only in Canada. Only original refund forms, dated cash register
receipts with the UPC code recorded will be accepted. Not responsible for lost, late, misdirected or undelivered mail. This
promotional offer, extended to consumers, requires that the person receiving the refund make the purchase. No submissions will
be accepted from retailers, clubs, organizations, wholesalers or contractors. This offer may not be published in any other form or
refund publication without the written permission of Reckitt Benckiser (Canada) Inc. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.



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