
优惠大统华T & T超市本周特卖震撼价(8.5-8.7)

大统华T & T超市本周特卖震撼价(8.5-8.7)
大统华超市(T & T Supermarket)本周推出八款商品震撼特卖,仅限8月5日至7日店内销售,数量有限,售完为止,Royale 12卷双层纸3.97元,走地鸡7.99元,甜桔1.29元/袋,游水鲫鱼3.88元/磅,点击查看更多详情。 点击查看卑诗省震撼价。

优惠Shoppers Drug Mart本周三(8月6日)凭折扣券购物满75元优惠20元

Shoppers Drug Mart本周三(8月6日)凭折扣券购物满75元优惠20元
Shoppers Drug Mart实体店内销售,本周三(8月6日)凭打印后的折扣券购物满75元优惠20元,点击下载折扣券。 Present this coupon at any participating Shoppers Drug Mart store and use for payment on your purchase of $75 or more before taxes and after discounts and redemptions. Not redeemable for cash, taxes applicable. This ……


Ikea官网公民日特别活动,凡在线购物满250元包运费,仅限今日有效,点击查看活动详情。 Offer valid on Monday August 4th, 2014 on online orders only. Minimum purchase of $250 before taxes (excluding shipping). Not valid on gift card purchases, kitchen orders, store orders or in-store pick-up. Offer cannot be applied on pr……


Costco店内销售,24支超值装马克笔9.99元,Roots书包14.99元,Casio科学计算器6.99元,Air Optix系列隐形眼镜减价10元,Excel 24盒装口香糖10.79元,Pogo30支装玉米狗9.29元,更多详情请点击图片放大查看。 其他省份的朋友请点击查看最新海报。 Only Costco members in good standing may use these instant savings. They are valid at all ……

优惠Home Hardware提供网购店内免费取货服务

Home Hardware提供网购店内免费取货服务
Home Hardware网站从即日起提供网购店内免费取货服务,货品备齐后将通过email通知,若店内缺货则需要3-8天时间从其他地方转运,点击查看详情。 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. When can I pick up my order at my local Home Hardware? How will I know it's ready? You'll be notified by email as soon as your order to ready for pick up……

优惠Walmart网站长周末网站促销Long Weekend Webcrashers

Walmart网站长周末网站促销Long Weekend Webcrashers
Walmart网站销售,长周末网站促销Long Weekend Webcrashers,92件精选货品打折,货量有限,售完为止。点击进入订购页面。 儿童午餐保温包3元,Safety 1st婴儿车40元,户外便携椅5元,24听容量多功能保温包5元,美人鱼浴巾4元。


在8月31日之前推荐朋友办理Costco会员卡,出示打印的活动介绍页面,双方各得10元Costco现金卡,点击查看活动介绍页面。 若找不到朋友帮忙推荐,可自行前往Costco分店,现场请人帮忙推荐,极个别店员可能会考你们对方姓名以确认你们的朋友关系,所以办理前需先互相介绍姓名。 目前普通年卡费用为55元,无返点,黑卡年费110元,返点2%,均免费……


Costco店内销售,烟熏三文鱼11.99元,纯橙汁4盒装9.99元,Oral-B充电式电动牙刷两只装99.99元,Kirkland Omega-3补充剂300片装19.99元,更多详情请点击图片放大查看。 其他省份的朋友请点击查看最新海报。 Only Costco members in good standing may use these instant savings. They are valid at all Canadian locations for the specified……

优惠No Frills 超级市场

No Frills 超级市场
查看本周Flyer: http://www.shopnofrills.ca/LCLOnline/flyers_landing_page.jsp 查询分店地址: http://www.shopnofrills.ca/LCLOnline/store_locator_landing_page.jsp