
优惠Rocketfish 3.7m (12 ft.) USB Extension Cable (RF-PCC103) 3.7米USB延长线

Rocketfish 3.7m (12 ft.) USB Extension Cable (RF-PCC103) 3.7米USB延长线
Best Buy店内销售,原价:34.99,现价:2.95元,店内取货免邮。点击进入订购页面。 The Rocketfish USB extension allows you to stretch that extra distance by adding 3.7m (12 ft.) to your electronics USB cable. USB-A Male to USB-A Female cable Connects most digital cameras, camcorders or mobile phones to a USB 2.0 port Sup……

优惠Rocketfish Micro Sync Cable (RF-MCDT2-T) 91.4 cm

Rocketfish Micro Sync Cable (RF-MCDT2-T) 91.4 cm
Best Buy网店销售,原价:19.99,现价:1.97元,运费1.49元,店内取货免邮。点击进入订购页面。 点击查看评价。 Rocketfish's Charging Cable could be kept as a spare or the simply the best replacement for the original. USB 2.0 to Micro pin Transfer images and data between your cellphone, PDA, GPS systems to computer Gold-pl……

优惠15.2米网线Rocketfish 15.2m (50 ft.) Cat-6 Cable (RF-PCC109)

15.2米网线Rocketfish 15.2m (50 ft.) Cat-6 Cable (RF-PCC109)
Future Shop及Best Buy网店销售,原价:59.99,现价:5.95元,运费1.49元,店内取货免邮。点击进入订购页面:Future Shop、Best Buy。 Connects PC, DSL/cable modem or other peripherals to a network. Compatible with PC and MAC. Supports 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet networks for an easy connection. Gold-plated contacts - Delivers……

优惠RG-6 outdoor coaxial cable线,7米 30米

RG-6 outdoor coaxial cable线,7米 30米
The Source Ebay网店销售,原价:24.99元,现价:10.37元包邮,点击进入订购页面。另有30米款,原价:49.99元,现价:19.34元,点击进入订购页面。 点击查看The Source网站相关评价。 长度:7.6m (25 ft) Comes with weather boot at one end. FT-4 rated. Ideal for satellite and in-wall installations.