Starbucks官网活动,前10万顾客购买Starbucks Card eGift 买10元以上另加送10元,需使用visa信用卡付款,点击进入活动页面。
Be one of the first 100,000 to buy a Starbucks Card eGift (min $10) with your Visa® card and we will add an additional $10, courtesy of Visa. Send $10—they get $20, send……
优惠Starbucks星巴克咖啡Whole Bean and Ground Coffee买三送一
优惠$5 for $10 Starbucks Card eGift星巴克10元礼物卡半价
Expires Dec 31st, 2014. Limit 1 per person. Deal cannot be purchased with promotional codes. Valid within Canada only. Starbucks Card eGift can be used in any participating Starbucks store. Must redeem Groupon voucher by 12/……