优惠史上最低!Sunbeam 2-Pounds Breadmaker面包机

史上最低!Sunbeam 2-Pounds Breadmaker面包机
Amazon网店销售,原价:79.99元,现价:39.94元包邮,之前史上最低价为49.97元,数量有限,预购从速,点击进入订购页面。 此款为做馒头包子必备发酵神器,可在晚上投入原料,延时定时启动在早上做出健康可口的面包或发酵成型的面团。 2 pound bread capacity Pre-programmed cycle for fresh bread in under 1 hour 3 Crust Shade selection……

优惠Talking Barbie Doll能讲话录音并回放的芭比娃娃(法语版)

Talking Barbie Doll能讲话录音并回放的芭比娃娃(法语版)
Walmart网店销售,原价:29.94元,现价:10元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 点击查看相关评价。 Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse Talkin' Barbie Doll: Barbie doll's life in the Dreamhouse is pretty FAB! Barbie and her friends play a big role in her dream life and are always hanging around the Dreamhouse. Inspired by the reality ……

优惠Polly Pocket Wall Party MALL ON THE WALL墙上玩具套装

Polly Pocket Wall Party MALL ON THE WALL墙上玩具套装
Walmart网店销售,原价:54.87元,现价:15元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 本品使用不伤墙面的3M贴纸以及吸盘贴墙,不占用小朋友的活动空间。 另有POLLY POCKET® ZIP 'N SPLASH® PLAYSET,原价:22.97元,现价:10元包邮。 Girls can start in the boutique, shopping for the most sensational shoes, then take a break with a ride on the……

优惠Hamilton Beach Hot Oil Popcorn Popper爆米花机

Hamilton Beach Hot Oil Popcorn Popper爆米花机
NCIX网店销售,原价49.99元,现价:19.99元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 看到Walmart特价25元的同款刚刚卖光了,评价不错,看来还是有不少人在关注,就把这款更便宜的发出来。运行演示如下,非此款: 20 cup capacity - Theatre quality popcorn in under 4 minutes Automatic Stirring - Motorized bar stirs kernels as they heat for fluff……

优惠Fijit Friends Newbies系列七款智能玩具全面清仓3元包邮

Fijit Friends Newbies系列七款智能玩具全面清仓3元包邮
Walmart网店销售,原价:19.94元,现价:3元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 Nurture Fijit Friends Newbies to get them to sing. The more they are nurtured, the better they perform, and when two Fijit Friends Newbies are put together, they'll sing together in a duet. They also unlock content in Fijit Friends. Each sold seperat……

优惠Brother PTD200 Home and Office Labeler标签打印机

Brother PTD200 Home and Office Labeler标签打印机
Amazon网店销售,原价:49.99元,现为史上最低价:9.99元,京东售价:550元人民币,全站满25元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 PT-D200便携式入门型标签打印机使用3.5~12mm宽的TZe覆膜色带,打印速度高达20mm/s(速度是普贴趣同类机型的一倍)。 PT-D200是一款十分适办公人群使用的标签打印机。该机器共内置1,000多种符号,其中包括多种办公、文……

优惠Cuisinart 2-Slice Compact Toaster美膳雅烤面包机

Cuisinart 2-Slice Compact Toaster美膳雅烤面包机
Newegg网店销售,原价:59.99元,现为北美史上最低价:17.99元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 点击查看Walmart相关评价。 Touchpad controls and blue LED indicators Bagel, Reheat, Defrost and Cancel Function Offer 7 browning levels Minimal countertop space and Easy cleanup BPA Free

优惠Rosewill 1800瓦电磁炉及不锈钢锅

Rosewill 1800瓦电磁炉及不锈钢锅
Newegg Ebay网店销售,原价:99.99元,现价:51.99元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 点击查看相关评价。 Rosewill 1800-Watt Induction Cooker with Stainless steel pot RHAI-13001 A great addition to the modern kitchen, the Rosewill RHAI-13001 Induction Cooker allows you to cook with the power of a magnetic field. By only heating ……

优惠Belkin Surf N300无线路由器

Belkin Surf N300无线路由器
Staples Ebay网店销售,原价:49.94元,之前清仓价:22.47元,现价:16.98元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 内置双天线设计及双入双出(MIMO)架构,可以提供全屋3D网络信号覆盖。WPS/WPA2安全加密模式及安全预设功能提供安全的网络环境;只需按WPS按钮,便可轻松连线,建立一個安全的无线网络空间。 With up to 300 Mbps data transfer rate, the……

优惠Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 500GB便携外置硬盘

Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 500GB便携外置硬盘
Staples Ebay网店销售,上市定价:139.99元,现价:39.99元,运费7.99元,点击进入订购页面。 现价为当年Staples清仓价,本来准备等再打折时再发,看来等不到了。 点击查看相关评价。 USB 2.0 plug-and-play drive Easy-to-use preloaded backup and encryption software Upgradable to USB 3.0, FireWire 800 or eSATA or access content ov……

优惠LEGO Clone Wars Clock Yoda

LEGO Clone Wars Clock Yoda
NCIX网店销售,原价:39.99元,现价:9.99元,请在购物车页选择右上方加拿大小图标结账,再选店内取货免邮,点击进入订购页面。 另有一款LEGO Star Wars Clock Darth Maul,现价14.99元。 点击查看相关评价。 Wake up in a Mandalorian minute with Yoda in giant minifigure size! • Move the arms and legs! • Push down the head to acti……

优惠两款4pc Multi-Season Rubber汽车脚垫

两款4pc Multi-Season Rubber汽车脚垫
Walmart网店销售,原价:29.97元,现价:11元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 The unique rib design and raised border keeps liquids and dirt on the mat and not on your carpet. The anti-skid nib backing and heavy duty weight holds the mat in place. Mat can be removed for easy cleaning. Heavy Duty all Weather Deep Rib Design Tra……

优惠Ju-Ju-Be Be All Messenger Diaper Bag妈妈包

Ju-Ju-Be Be All Messenger Diaper Bag妈妈包
Bestbuy网店销售,原价149.99元,现价:34.99元包邮,Amazon现价:100.92美元,折扣码获取方法请见最下面,点击进入订购页面。 为满足折扣码满50元要求,请在这里再订购一样小物品。 Full zip-down mommy pocket and main zipper closure systems provides easy access to items Colour-coded tabs let you know which pocket is for whic……

优惠TRENDnet TPL-308E2K 200Mbps Powerline两只装200M电力猫

TRENDnet TPL-308E2K 200Mbps Powerline两只装200M电力猫
ncix网店销售,原价:74.99元,特价:24.99元包邮,今日有效,点击进入订购页面。 电力猫其实是利用电线传输数据的通信技术,和无线Wi-Fi、有线以太网一样,都严格符合国际IEEE(美国电气和电子工程师协会)标准,是一种成熟的通信技术。 电力适配器存储默认加密密钥,根据密钥不同可以在同一电表内组成多个网络,也可以在同一个网络内使用多个……

优惠Paper Jamz® Hot Rod Drum Rock Star Experience纸架子鼓

Paper Jamz® Hot Rod Drum Rock Star Experience纸架子鼓
Sears网店销售,原价40元,现价:1.94元,选择在sears店内取货运费3.95元。点击进入订购页面。 built-in speakers line-out for optional earphones or amplifier, not incl. 3 modes for jamming: ‘Perfect Play’ to play along with 3 hit songs (incl.); ‘Rhythm Mode’ for controlling the rhythm; ‘Freestyle’ for creating their own……

优惠Paper Jamz® Amplifier纸扩音器

Paper Jamz® Amplifier纸扩音器
Sears网店销售,原价18元,现价:0.94元,选择在sears店内取货运费3.95元。点击进入订购页面。 universal jack can plug into a computer or iPod (not incl.) requires 2 'AAA' batteries, not incl. ages 8 yr. + iPod is a Trademark of Apple, Inc

优惠8款Paper Jamz Pro Guitar纸吉他

8款Paper Jamz Pro Guitar纸吉他
Sears网店销售,原价40-60元,现价:0.94元-1.94元,选择在sears店内取货运费3.95元。点击进入订购页面。 另有Guitar Strap,原价:15元,现价:0.94元。 点击查看相关评论。 built-in speakers line-out for optional earphones or amplifier, not incl. 3 modes for jamming: ‘Perfect Play’ to play along with 3 hit songs (incl.); ‘Rh……


The Source Ebay网店销售,原价:14.99元 + 5.96元,现价:4.3元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 查看相关评价请点击原价中两个价格。 Keep your camera from quickly sinking to the bottom of the lake, ocean or pool with GnarlyFish floating camera wrist strap. Featuring a bright orange colour that's easy to spot when in the water. T……


Canada Computer网店销售,部分遥控直升机13.88元起价,儿童玩具电脑6.88元起价,邮费另算,也可店内购买,请点Stock Level查看库存。 说明:部分清仓品不可退货,网页上或店内购买时店员会特别说明。Alloy iPhone R/C Helicopter使用Android系统也可以遥控。

优惠Philips Norelco HS8420 干湿两用电动剃须刀(配带剃须液)

Philips Norelco HS8420 干湿两用电动剃须刀(配带剃须液)
Canada Computer网店销售,原价:99.99元,现价:39.88元另加运费(Amazon现价:159.95美元,ebay近期105.99美元销售记录),也可店内购买,请点Stock Level查看库存,点击进入订购页面。 独一无二的高级剃须技术,带有妮维雅剃须液分发系统,灵活的刀头跟踪系统,自动跟踪您的面部曲线,以保护您的皮肤免受刺激,全智能面部轮廓贴合系统刀……

优惠Samsonite B-Lite Fresh 24" Wheeled Duffle Bag新秀丽24寸行李箱

Samsonite B-Lite Fresh 24" Wheeled Duffle Bag新秀丽24寸行李箱
Bestbuy网店销售,原价159.99元,现价:39.99元包邮,折扣码获取方法如下,点击进入订购页面。 24" raspberry soft-sided duffle Water resistant nylon/polyester Two wheels and an extendable handle Interior cross straps and mesh pocket for organization Performance tested for strength, durability and dependability 新用户可以……

优惠Claire's Clearance Blowout小饰件清仓最高2元

Claire's Clearance Blowout小饰件清仓最高2元
Claire's网站及实体店销售,Clearance Blowout小饰件清仓最高2元,使用折扣码:BFFAMILY25,全站75折,运费11.95元。Claire's在加拿大也有不少分店,您也可直接店内选购。点击进入订购页面。 Claire's是世界服饰附件及首饰行业巨头,号称全球第一时尚配饰品牌。

优惠IPOD TOUCH® 5TH GEN. 16GB外包装破损

The Source网店销售,原价229.99元,现价:159.97元包邮,点击进入订购页面。 4-inch Retina display Apple A5 chip FaceTime camera with 1.2-megapixel photos and 720p HD video recording iOS 6 with features like Siri, Passbook and Facebook integration iTunes Store with millions of songs and thousands of movies and TV shows ……
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