翻新Samsung Galaxy Tab3 10.1 with Wi-Fi, Smart Remote and MHL 10.1寸平板电脑


翻新Samsung Galaxy Tab3 10.1 with Wi-Fi, Smart Remote and MHL 10.1寸平板电脑

The Source ebay网店销售,原价399.99元,翻新价:159.96元,运费9.99元,点击进入订购页面


The Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 from Samsung seamlessly combines sleek design with enhanced multimedia capabilities. With a comprehensive suite of video, music and photo software and coupled with the clarity of its display, the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 tablet is the ideal device for making home entertainment portable.

Equipped with Smart Remote and MHL (TV out)
Sleek design
Enhanced multimedia capabilities
1.6GHz dual core processor

Stacked with a 1.6GHz dual core processor, this tablet is the ideal device for everyday family use, communication and multimedia consumption. Equipped with Smart Remote and MHL (TV Out) capabilities, the Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 seamlessly transitions from the perfect gaming device for kids to the ideal home media control device for parents.

Connect with friends and family, watch your favourite TV shows and movies on the go or browse the web. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet is the centre of your multimedia universe!



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    Wilson (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-09-12)
    I entered the 包邮code TS4411 in the redemption code , but it does not work, it shows "The code you entered could not be applied. Please try again", any idea? Thanks
    • 夏天到了
      夏天到了 (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-09-12)
      • 头像
        Wilson (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-09-12)