



Head & Shoulders促销活动,从即日起至9月30日止,一次购买任意两瓶海飞丝产品(除rial/Travel size, Value/Bonus/Gift Packs以外),填写Mail-in Form,并附上原始购物收据(圈中收据上的海飞丝产品),手写或复印产品UPC条形码,寄到指定地址,6-8周内可收到寄送的免费棒球帽。点击下载Mail-in Form登记表

Limit one offer per name, household or address; While supplies last. Canadian residents only, excluding Quebec. Offer valid for products purchased
August 25, 2014 – September 21, 2014.
Request must be postmarked by September 30, 2014. Only official Canadian postal addresses are acceptable. No PO Boxes are allowed. Use of multiple addresses to obtain additional requests is fraud and may result in prosecution. Multiple submissions will not be acknowledged or returned. Official mail-in offer form must accompany your request. If valid original dated receipt and hand drawn or facsimile of UPC are not included in your submission, your request will not be processed. Reproduction, alteration, sale, trade, or purchase of this official form or proof of purchase is prohibited. Proof of purchase must be obtained from products purchased by you. No requests from groups, clubs, or organizations will be honoured.
We will not honour incomplete submissions. Not responsible for lost, late or undelivered submissions. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. This offer is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by Rogers Blue Jays Baseball Partnership, owner of the Toronto Blue Jays.



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  1. 头像
    sd (手机用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-08-30)
    夏天,有海飞丝的产品打折吗?另外Mail in form的link好像不对.
    • 夏天到了
      夏天到了 (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-08-30)
      Bestbuy一瓶只要2.97元,但需要满25元才包邮,另外不知对方任何网购不,需要打活动热线1-800-723-9569确认一下。另外这里有1元coupon可店内用,注意需要一次买两瓶,分开买不算。链接的是pdf文件下载,你可能需要装Adobe reader