Almay官方活动,凡在10月31日前购买以下三款产品中购买任一产品(购买时请确认UPC是否一致),且产品含有TRY ME FREE标签者,均可在11月30日前填写Rebate表格(点击下载)与TRY ME FREE标签、原始购物收条(用笔打圈标出产品名称价格位置)一同寄到指定地址,厂家将全价返回货款税费及邮资。点击进入活动页面。
LightPale (UPC: 3-0997-5603-01-9)
Light/Medium Pale/Moyen (UPC: 3-0997-5603-02-6)
Medium Moyen (UPC: 3-0997-5603-03-3)
To qualify for a mail-in rebate you must:
Purchase specially marked Almay Smart Shade™ Skintone Matching
Makeup between July 1, 2014 and October 31, 2014.
Print out, complete, and mail the rebate form along with the TRY ME
FREE label removed from the product and your original sales receipt with purchase price circled and the Universal Product Code (UPC)
hand written on the receipt.
All requests for refunds must be received on or before
November 30, 2014.