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WeMo Switch使用起来十分简单,插上插座,看到蓝色的指示灯在闪烁时就说明它在正常运行了。接下来就需要使用手机下载WeMo应用,注意iOS版比Android版的功能更多,再连接家中的无线网络以及WeMo Switch开关,最后再设定一系列开关时间等就可以正常使用了。除了无线控制开关之外,WeMo应用还可以设定一系列“规则”:在规定的时间内保持开启或是关闭,可用于圣诞灯饰开关(需要有无线网络覆盖)等。
这是一款实用性有限的产品,但对于回国探亲或外出度假而家中无人的朋友,WeMo Switch是一个不错的防盗选择,再配上D-Link Cloud Camera就可随时监控家中情况,定时开关部分灯具和音响。
Home automation. If the term evokes images of robots doing your laundry and dinner appearing at the push of a button from some sort of matter transporter, well, we’re not quite there yet. But it’s getting closer. And Belkin’s WeMo home automation system is at the forefront of the this revolution in marrying technology with everyday tasks to make your home more livable and more convenient.
The WeMo system lets you take control of your home from virtually anywhere. You can turn lights, appliances, TVs, heating, and fans – almost anything that plugs in – on and off from across the room or across town with a single app loaded on your smartphone. You can even schedule appliances to turn on or off at certain times, or trigger them by simply walking into the room! The future is here, and it’s in your control.