Dell's Boxing Week节礼周特卖海报出炉!汇总部分12月26日特卖信息!不过开卖时间是12月24日东部时间早上6点钟哦,大家不要错过!全场包邮。点击进入订购页面。
- Inspiron 14" 3000 Series Laptop with Intel Celeron Processor (Dual Core), 2GB Memory, 32GB SSD and Windows 10: 特卖229.99元, 原价338.99元
- Inspiron 15" 5000 Series Non-Touch Laptop with 4th Generation Intel Core i5 Processor, 8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive and Windows 10:特卖599.99元, 原价788.99元
- Inspiron 17" 5000 Series Non-Touch Laptop with 4th Generation Intel Core i5 Processor, 8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive and Windows 10 :特卖699.99 元,原价868.99元
- Inspiron Micro Desktop with Intel Celeron Processor, 2GB Memory, 32GB SSD and Windows 10 :特卖199.99 元,原价318.99元
- XPS 8900 Desktop with 6th Generation Intel Core i7 Processor, 16GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive and Windows 10: 特卖1049.99元, 原价1349.99元
- Dell 24" Monitor:特卖129.99元,原价289.99元
- LG 49" 4K Ultra HD Smart TV :特卖799.99,原价1299.99元