Jawbone Icon: The Ace Bluetooth Headset 蓝牙耳机


Jawbone Icon: The Ace Bluetooth Headset 蓝牙耳机

Staples Ebay店销售,原价:69.84元,现价:34.92元包邮,点击进入订购页面

Jawbone ICON是是一款智能型耳机,可同时连接两部智能设备,ICON的特色骨传导技术可以有效降低环境噪音,该技术从军用转为民用,早期一直是坦克兵耳机的技术专利。在吵闹的十字路口,使用Icon拨打电话对方能听到类似刷刷声音屏蔽了周围环境噪声,降噪效果极强。

Jawbone ICON is the smartest most comfortable and smallest Jawbone ever created. The ICON series boasts lethal NoiseAssassin® 2.5 wind suppression for optimal clarity voice tones and allows you to manage 2 calls from 2 different phones at once. Custom ICON audio tones whisper important information like remaining battery life and caller ID into your ear. The ICON series uses standard micro-USB charging technology so you don't have to carry more cables!
Jawbone ICON Bluetooth Headset Features:
- Noiseassassin 2.5 crystal
- clear communication
- The only sensor
- fusion wind filter
- Spoken updates for caller ID and battery life
- Up to 4.5 hours talk time and 10 days standby time
- Battery meter appears on the iPhone
- Beautiful jewelry like design!




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