Lowepro TLZ-25 Adventura Camera Bag单反相机包


Lowepro TLZ-25 Adventura Camera Bag单反相机包

Lowepro TLZ-25 Adventura Camera Bag单反相机包

Futureshop网店销售,原价34.99元,加入购物车后价格:7.48元,运费1.99元,选择Reserve in Store免邮,点击进入订购页面


The Lowepro Adventura TLZ camera bag provides a convenient way to carry and protect your DSLR and accessories during your travels. The toploading format gives you easy access to your camera gear and the form-fitted shape helps reduce clumsy bulk so it's simple to carry. The thick padding helps protect your sensitive equipment and the brushed tricot interior protects against scratches.

Compact, form-fitted design helps reduce bulk so it's easier to carry
Padded interior features soft, brushed tricot to protect your camera LCD and lens from scratches
Zippered front pocket features a memory card storage area for easy access
Thick padding gives you cushioned support on all sides
Includes shoulder strap



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    tony (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-09-30)
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      夏天到了 (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-09-30)