In the hit animated action series Max Steel™, teenage Max has the ability to generate Turbo Energy, a hugely powerful but often uncontrollable force. Fortunately he meets Steel, a biomechanical alien, who helps Max control his power and together they become the world's greatest super hero, Max Steel™.
During battle, Steel transforms Max's suit into multiple armors for whatever the circumstance requires. In Season 2, the stakes and combat attack modes are amped even higher. This Turbo Morph™ Max combines two play categories: role-play and action figure play and features two characters in one for multiple ways to play. Boys can partner with Steel to live out their super hero fantasies, and with the push of a button, transform Steel into Max Steel™ in his iconic flight mode. With this Turbo Morph™ Max, endless play and adventures are ahead.
Ages 4 and older.