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The Parrot AR.Drone 2.0. is controlled completely via yoursmartphone.

The 4-propeller cross-type helicopter design takes off vertically, hovers and flies in all directions. A reinvention of Parrot's original AR.Drone quadricopter, the AR.Drone 2.0 comes with a variety of new hardware and software improvements. First off, it has a 720p camera located in the nose of the R/C copter for filming all of your aviation adventures in incredible HD that you can watch live on your smartphone or share on YouTube. Second, it has a feature that allows you to create your own flight path - just set the coordinates and watch your AR.Drone 2.0 go! The new "outdoor hull" design makes it more wind resistant for increased stability, while the mixture of sensors, including 3D magnetometer and pressure sensor, allow the aircraft to auto-orient itself and reach higher altitudes than ever before.

With onboard Wi-Fi, you can control the helicopter using an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or android device. Plus, users can easily connect with other players over Wi-Fi and battle their AR.Drones against each other. With Autopilot and Absolute Flight modes, the days of complicated remote controls are over. With a push of a button the AR,Drone 2.0 starts, hovers and lands on its own and you can easily control the helicopter by simply moving or tilting your mobile device in the direction you want the drone to go in.

The AR.Drone 2.0 also comes with some "virtual reality" games to add some more fun and entertainment to your flying experience. Use this R/C helicopter indoors or outdoors for hours of fun for all ages.

Be sure to check out a variety of parts and accessories for your incredible AR.Drone 2.0 Quadricopter, here at The Source!
NEW! AR.FreeFlight released on Google Play

AR.FreeFlight 2.0.12 for Android supports OS versions 2.2 to 4.1
Pilot the AR.Drone through the Google TV from Sony! Try a new piloting experience and enjoy the video feedback on a big TV screen (only with AR.Drone 2.0)
This new version is also compatible with the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet
A new video player was integrated to improve the experience on many smartphone models. You can now watch all the videos you have made with your AR.Drone directly from AR.FreeFlight 2.0.12
Issues fixed for Android smartphones
AR.Drone Academy is not yet included in this version

NEW! FreeFlight version 2.1.6 for iOS

AR.Drone Academy BETA: online application within AR.FreeFlight
USB sticks compatibility fix: users will be able to use most recent USB sticks (formatted in FAT32) by plugging into the AR.Drone twice - after the second time, the USB icon will be displayed on the AR.FreeFlight interface
Auto Record: a new feature allowing users to launch video recording when taking off. This option will be active by default
4-axis flips: Drone will now be able to flip in all 4 directions (left, right, front and back). Only one direction can be set within AR.FreeFlight settings (it is "left" by default)
Flip restriction: to prevent issues while flipping with low battery, AR.FreeFlight version 2.1.6 will forbid flipping if battery level is at 30% or lower



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