Serta Bed by Bell'O Queen Size Metal Bed金属床架


Serta Bed by Bell'O Queen Size Metal Bed金属床架

Serta Bed by Bell'O Queen Size Metal Bed金属床架

谢谢xxx留言,Futureshop和Bestbuy今日均将同款床架再特价清仓99.99元,若已购买用户请尽快要求Price Match今日价格,若不通过请多打几次电话并通过网站表单要求pm,目前Futureshop尚有余货。


The Serta Bed by Bell'O is a traditional metal bed that features decorative castings in a dark graphite finish with dark brass-plated finials. It's constructed of sturdy scratch-resistant, powder-coated steel and made to fit a queen-sized box spring and mattress.

Assembles in minutes with absolutely no tools required
Features decorative castings in a dark graphite finish with dark brass-plated finials
Constructed of sturdy scratch resistant, powder-coated steel
Made to fit a queen-sized box spring and mattress



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    xxx (网页用户) 发表于 11年前 (2014-09-24)
    funny, you will find the price is 89.99 and free delivery